Thursday, August 25, 2016

Movie Review: Pirates of the Silicon Valley

Image result for pirates of the silicon valley

Pirates of the Silicon Valley is a film in 1999 directed by Martyn Burke. It showcases the rivalry of  the Apple computer and Microsoft. It also tackled the lives of their founders, Steve Jobs and Bill gates, respectively. Noah Wyle acted as Steve Jobs while Anthony Michael Hall as Bill Gates.

The development of Apple Computers and Personal Computers isn't as easy as you thought it would be. It involved betrayal, and lots and lots of drama. Even I  was surprised to the extent of drama incorporated in the film. In fact, even Steve Jobs hated the movie because of the unnecessary drama, but despite his hate for the screenplay, he complemented Noah Wyle for the acting, and that he looked exactly like him. On the other hand, the other Steve (Steve Wozniak), gave a positive response, stating that most of the events that happened in the movie were accurate. He even mentioned that the added drama made it more interesting to watch. 

Discovering the truth behind Apple and Microsoft was an interesting experience. Watching the movie felt like discovering the "chismis" of the past. It was also nice to witness the personal lives of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates before they became big time billionaires. My respect for those people are the same as how I respect my parents. 

History of The Internet

Image result for history of the internet timeline

God bless Mr.Tim Berners-Lee! He invented the best friend of everyone, THE INTERNET! 

For the majority of my life, the internet has helped me in everything; In school work, recreation, communication with my foreign friends, and more. It is the MOST AMAZING discovery ever! 

Watching the clip about the internet's history made me appreciate and love it more. Not only did I learn new facts, I also learned terminologies that we often take for granted. These important terminologies are the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the domain names, Internet Protocol (IP), Internet Protocol Number (IP Number), IP Address, and many more. Learning about these mundane facts made me feel like an expert of the internet, but seriously though, it made me realize that Tim-Berners Lee is truly a genius. He founded and developed this system that helps billions around the world. I will always be thankful to the people who contributed to this phenomenon wherein all different kinds of people are enjoying. It has helped me A LOT that even words can't describe my gratitude. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

IBM Centennial Presentation

The production of the Hollerith Tabulating Machine marked the start of IBM's centennial success. IBM stands for International Business Machines. They are a technology company that manufactures and markets computer hardware, middleware, and software. They also offer consulting and hosting services for mainframe computers to nanotechnology. IBM produced a lot of inventions that paved way to the present technology we are enjoying today. The notable inventions mentioned in the video that I can recall are the typewriter, automated teller machine (ATM), the dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), the floppy disk, and the hard disk drive.

IBM truly has contributed a lot to the progress of our world. It opened a way for many possibilities that before seemed impossible. It was the change that people wanted, the change that turned their lives  a hundred and eighty degrees. Work became faster, efficient, and accurate. People kept on discovering new things because of this technology. Because of IBM, there were more job opportunities; people were eager to learn the technicalities and were accepted to work. IBM promotes equality and accepts workers from all sexes, colors, and races. Indeed, IBM is a blessing to mankind; without them, we wouldn't have the progress we are experiencing right now.

"All the problems of the world would be settled easily if men were only willing to think"

                                                                                                         - Thomas J. Watson

Brief History of Computers: Insight

Technology has evolved greatly for the past hundred years; from the simple tools used by our ancestral cave men, up to the high tech gizmos that bring joy to the hipster generation. Evolution, in general, is a slow process. In Biology, it takes hundreds of years for one organism to diverge into a new species. The same goes with technology, specifically, the computer. Computers that we are using today isn't produced in just a blink of an eye. It took several modifications, irksome trial and errors, and a huge amount of patience for it to have the efficient features that we rely and enjoy today. If I were to be asked by someone if i could live without computers, honestly, my answer would be no. Yes, I know that we could live without computers just like how people lived way back, but the quality of the work produced would be lesser. As unfortunate as it sounds, we need computers to greatly improve our lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with relying on computers, it only goes bad when we depend on it too much. But isn't this the purpose why computers were invented? that we can depend on them to make things fast and efficient? I don't know about the others, but for me, the invention of computers is the greatest feat mankind has done. The bottom line is that for the past, present, and future generations, computers were, are, and will always be a support to mankind, and that it is continually evolving to further back us up in every way possible.