Thursday, August 25, 2016

History of The Internet

Image result for history of the internet timeline

God bless Mr.Tim Berners-Lee! He invented the best friend of everyone, THE INTERNET! 

For the majority of my life, the internet has helped me in everything; In school work, recreation, communication with my foreign friends, and more. It is the MOST AMAZING discovery ever! 

Watching the clip about the internet's history made me appreciate and love it more. Not only did I learn new facts, I also learned terminologies that we often take for granted. These important terminologies are the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the domain names, Internet Protocol (IP), Internet Protocol Number (IP Number), IP Address, and many more. Learning about these mundane facts made me feel like an expert of the internet, but seriously though, it made me realize that Tim-Berners Lee is truly a genius. He founded and developed this system that helps billions around the world. I will always be thankful to the people who contributed to this phenomenon wherein all different kinds of people are enjoying. It has helped me A LOT that even words can't describe my gratitude. 

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